En proceso
15. Berzunza-Cruz, M., Á. Rodríguez-Moreno, G. Gutiérrez-Granados, C. González-Salazar, C. R. Stephens, M. Hidalgo-Mihart, C. F. Marina, E. A. Rebollar-Téllez, D. Bailó n-Martínez, C. D. Balcells, C. N. Ibarra-Cerdeña, V. Sánchez-Cordero & Ingeborg Becker. (en prensa)Leishmania (L) mexicana infected bats in Mexico: novel potential hosts. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
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12. González-Salazar C., C. Stephens & P. Marquet (2013). Comparing the relative contribution of biotic and abiotic factors as mediators of species' distributions. Ecological Modelling 248:57-70 (PDF)
11. González-Salazar C. & C. Stephens (2012). Constructing ecological networks: a tool to infer risk of transmission and dispersal of Leishmaniasis. Zoonoses and Public Health, 59: 179–193. (PDF)
10. Escobedo-Galván, A.H., & C. González-Salazar (2012). Survival and extinction on sex-determining mechanisms of Cretaceous tetrapods. Cretaceous Research 36:116-118. (PDF)
9. Escobedo-Galván, A.H., & C. González-Salazar (2011). Aplicando modelos de nicho ecologico para predecir áreas potenciales de hibridación entre Cocodrylus acutus y Cocodrylus moreletii. Quehacer Cientifico en Chiapas 1(11): 27-35 (PDF)
8. Cupul-Magaña F.G. & C. González-Salazar (2011). Distribución potencial para cuatro especies de ciempiés (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). Boln Asoc. esp. Ent 35: 289-293
7. Escobedo-Galván, A.H., C. González-Salazar, S. López-Alcaide, V.B. Arroyo-Peña & E. Martínez-Meyer. (2011). Will all species with temperature-dependent sex determination respond the same way to climate change? A reply to Kallimanis (2010). Oikos 120:795-799 (PDF)
6. López-Toledo L., C. González-Salazar, D. Burslem & M. Martínez-Ramos. (2011) Conservation assessment of the threatened tree species Guaiacum sanctum and G. coulteri: historic distribution and future trends in Mexico. Biotropica 43: 246-245 (PDF)
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4. Stephens C., J. Giménez, C. González-Rosas, C. Ibarra-Cerdeña, V. Sánchez-Cordero & C. González-Salazar. (2009). Using Biotic Interaction Networks for Prediction in Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases. PLoS ONE 4(5): e5725. (PDF)
3. Ballesteros-Barrera, C., C. González-Salazar & H. Gadsden. (2009). Aspidoscelis
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2. Peterson, A.T., E. Martínez-Meyer & C. González-Salazar. (2004). Reconstructing the Pleistocene geography of the Aphelocoma jays. Diversity & Distributions 10: 237-246. (PDF)
1. Peterson, A.T., E. Martínez-Meyer, C. González-Salazar & P. W. Hall. (2004). Modeled climate change effects on distributions on Canadian butterfly species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 851-858.(PDF)